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Module for the ProbDistributionChartGenerator


ProbDistributionChartGenerator dataclass

Generates a chart for a probability distribution.

__call__(prob_df, thres_min, thres_max)

Takes in a dataframe with probabilities and ground truth values, as well as two thresholds (thres_min and thres_max). It returns an altair histogram chart that visualize the prediction probability. The second return value is a dataframe containing metrics for the given thresholds.


  • prob_df (DataFrame) –

    pd.DataFrame: Pass in the dataframe that contains the probabilities and ground truth values

  • thres_min (float) –

    float: Set the minimum threshold for the histogram

  • thres_max (float) –

    float: Set the upper bound of the threshold


  • Tuple[Chart, DataFrame]

    A tuple of two elements, the first being a chart and the second being a dataframe

Source code in niceml/dashboard/
def __call__(
    self, prob_df: pd.DataFrame, thres_min: float, thres_max: float
) -> Tuple[altair.Chart, pd.DataFrame]:
    Takes in a dataframe with probabilities and ground truth values, as well as two thresholds
    (thres_min and thres_max). It returns an altair histogram chart that visualize
    the prediction probability. The second return value is a dataframe containing
    metrics for the given thresholds.

        prob_df: pd.DataFrame: Pass in the dataframe that contains the probabilities
                    and ground truth values
        thres_min: float: Set the minimum threshold for the histogram
        thres_max: float: Set the upper bound of the threshold

        A tuple of two elements, the first being a chart and the second being a dataframe
    pos_gt_name = self.pos_gt_val if self.pos_gt_name is None else self.pos_gt_name
    neg_gt_name = self.neg_gt_val if self.neg_gt_name is None else self.neg_gt_name
    pos_probs = prob_df[self.prob_col][prob_df[self.gt_col] == self.pos_gt_val]
    pos_count = len(pos_probs)
    neg_probs = prob_df[self.prob_col][prob_df[self.gt_col] == self.neg_gt_val]
    neg_count = len(neg_probs)

    pos_prob_hist = np.histogram(
        pos_probs, self.bin_count, range=(self.range_min, self.range_max)
    neg_prob_hist = np.histogram(
        neg_probs, self.bin_count, range=(self.range_min, self.range_max)
    # same for both
    hist_x_vals = neg_prob_hist[1]
    # mean of both borders
    prob_x_values = [
        (hist_x_vals[x] + hist_x_vals[x + 1]) / 2 for x in range(self.bin_count)

    df_pos_plot = pd.DataFrame(
            self.y_name: pos_prob_hist[0],
            self.x_name: prob_x_values,
            "name": [pos_gt_name] * len(prob_x_values),

    df_neg_plot = pd.DataFrame(
            self.y_name: neg_prob_hist[0],
            self.x_name: prob_x_values,
            "name": [neg_gt_name] * len(prob_x_values),
    concat_df_plot = pd.concat([df_pos_plot, df_neg_plot], ignore_index=True)
    domain = [pos_gt_name, neg_gt_name]
    color_range = [self.pos_color, self.neg_color]
    line_chart = (
                "name", scale=altair.Scale(domain=domain, range=color_range)

    thres_min_df = pd.DataFrame([{"thres_min": thres_min}])
    thres_max_df = pd.DataFrame([{"thres_max": thres_max}])

    thres_min_chart = (
    thres_max_chart = (

    hover_chart = generate_hover_charts(
        [thres_min_chart, thres_max_chart],

    true_neg_count = 0
    false_pos_count = 0
    false_check_count = 0
    true_pos_count = 0
    false_neg_count = 0
    true_check_count = 0
    for idx, x_val in enumerate(prob_x_values):
        if x_val <= thres_min:
            true_neg_count += neg_prob_hist[0][idx]
            false_neg_count += pos_prob_hist[0][idx]
        elif thres_min < x_val < thres_max:
            false_check_count += neg_prob_hist[0][idx]
            true_check_count += pos_prob_hist[0][idx]
        elif x_val >= thres_max:
            false_pos_count += neg_prob_hist[0][idx]
            true_pos_count += pos_prob_hist[0][idx]

    true_pos_perc = float(true_pos_count / pos_count)
    true_neg_perc = float(true_neg_count / neg_count)
    false_neg_perc = float(false_neg_count / pos_count)
    false_pos_perc = float(false_pos_count / neg_count)
    true_check_perc = float(true_check_count / pos_count)
    false_check_perc = float(false_check_count / neg_count)

    true_dict = {
        "class": pos_gt_name,
        pos_gt_name: true_pos_count,
        neg_gt_name: false_neg_count,
        "check": true_check_count,
        f"{pos_gt_name}_perc": true_pos_perc,
        f"{neg_gt_name}_perc": false_neg_perc,
        "check_perc": true_check_perc,
        "count": pos_count,

    false_dict = {
        "class": neg_gt_name,
        pos_gt_name: false_pos_count,
        neg_gt_name: true_neg_count,
        "check": false_check_count,
        f"{pos_gt_name}_perc": false_pos_perc,
        f"{neg_gt_name}_perc": true_neg_perc,
        "check_perc": false_check_perc,
        "count": neg_count,

    total_pos = false_pos_count + true_pos_count
    total_neg = true_neg_count + false_neg_count
    total_check = false_check_count + true_check_count
    total_count = pos_count + neg_count

    total_dict = {
        "class": "total",
        pos_gt_name: total_pos,
        neg_gt_name: total_neg,
        "check": total_check,
        f"{pos_gt_name}_perc": total_pos / total_count,
        f"{neg_gt_name}_perc": total_neg / total_count,
        "check_perc": total_check / total_count,
        "count": total_count,

    metric_df = pd.DataFrame([true_dict, false_dict, total_dict])

    return hover_chart, metric_df
