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How-to Guides

This part of the project documentation focuses on a problem-oriented approach. You'll tackle common tasks that you might have, with the help of the code provided in this project.

How to debug my experiment

To debug your experiment, you need to add a run configuration to your favorite IDE. Here is an example on how to add a run configuration in PyCharm.

Some parts of the training need an additional configuration, to make them debuggable. E.g. Debugging metrics, the loss or net callbacks. To debug them, you need to set the RUN_EAGERLY parameter of your .env file to True

How to use my own run configuration for a niceML pipeline

niceML runs its pipelines via dagster. If you want to start the pipelines in the terminal, just use the following code snippet, replace the path and run it in your terminal.

dagster job execute -m -j job_train -c configs/jobs/<path to your job yaml>

How to configure the test data generation to my needs

Everything about test data generation and its adjustable parameters can be found in the Generating a Test Dataset with niceML

How to add a custom model

In order to define a custom model in niceML we can make use of the niceML ModelFactory class and its create_model function. To create a new model, implement yours by inheriting from the ModelFactory and configuring the functions you need. Here is an example:

from typing import Any

import tensorflow as tf
from keras import layers, Sequential, regularizers
from import DataDescription
from import InputImageDataDescription
from import OutputVectorDataDescription
from niceml.mlcomponents.models.modelfactory import ModelFactory
from niceml.utilities.commonutils import check_instance

class FlowerCNN(ModelFactory):
    def __init__(self, regulation_value: float, activation_function: str, final_activation: str):
        self.final_activation = final_activation
        self.activation_function = activation_function
        self.regulation_value = regulation_value

    def create_model(self, data_description: DataDescription) -> Any:
        input_dd: InputImageDataDescription = check_instance(
            data_description, InputImageDataDescription
        output_dd: OutputVectorDataDescription = check_instance(
            data_description, OutputVectorDataDescription

        in_layer = tf.keras.layers.Input(input_dd.get_input_tensor_shape())

        model = Sequential([

            layers.Conv2D(16, 3, padding='same', activation=self.activation_function),

            layers.Conv2D(32, 3, padding='same', activation=self.activation_function),

            layers.Conv2D(64, 3, padding='same', activation=self.activation_function),



            layers.Dense(128, activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(self.regulation_value)),
            layers.Dense(output_dd.get_output_size(), name="outputs", activation=self.final_activation)
        return model
To use the model in your training pipeline change the target of the model setting to nicemlproject.dir.of.custom.FlowerCNN in the training operation configuration configs/ops/prediction/op_train.yaml.

How to start the pipeline via the dagster UI?

You start dagster via

dagster dev -m

and paste the job configuration of your choice to the launchpad.

How to implement a new dashboard component

More documentation will be provided soon.

How to use a remote system in the dashboard

More documentation will be provided soon.

How to use MinIO with niceML

More documentation will be provided soon.

How to add a new custom metric

More documentation will be provided soon.