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🤝 Code of Conduct for niceML 🍦

As contributors and maintainers of this open source project, we are committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone involved. We value the participation of all individuals, regardless of their background, experience level, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality. Therefore, we have established the following code of conduct, which applies to all project participants, including maintainers, contributors, and users. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by this code of conduct.

1. 👐 Be Respectful and Inclusive

Treat all individuals with respect and kindness. Be considerate of differing viewpoints and experiences. Refrain from using derogatory, offensive, or exclusionary language or behavior. Foster a positive and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and heard.

2. 🌈 Embrace Diversity

We welcome and encourage participation from people of all backgrounds. Embrace and celebrate diversity in all its forms. We believe that a diverse community leads to richer discussions and better outcomes.

3. 🗣️ Open Communication

Maintain open and constructive communication. Listen attentively to others and be open to feedback and criticism. Communicate in a clear, concise, and respectful manner. Disagreements may arise, but they should always be handled with civility.

4. 🤝 Collaboration and Cooperation

Encourage a collaborative and cooperative environment. Support and uplift fellow contributors. Offer assistance and guidance to those who seek it. Together, we can achieve great things through teamwork.

5. 🙌 Be Mindful of Others

Be aware of the impact your words and actions may have on others. Be mindful of cultural differences and varying perspectives. Strive to create an environment where everyone feels safe and comfortable to participate.

6. ✅ Respect Project Guidelines

Adhere to the project's guidelines, including coding standards, documentation requirements, and contribution processes. Respect the decisions made by project maintainers and follow their guidance.

7. 🚨 Reporting Violations

If you witness or experience any behavior that violates this code of conduct, promptly report it to one of the project maintainers at All reports will be reviewed and handled confidentially. We are dedicated to addressing any concerns and ensuring a positive project environment for all.

Remember that this code of conduct applies to all project spaces, including GitHub repositories, issue trackers, communication channels, and project events.

Let's work together to build a welcoming and inclusive community where everyone can contribute and grow.

Note: This code of conduct was adapted from the Contributor Covenant (