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Module for image utilization



    image_index, image_scores, threshold

Binarize (0,1) a multichannel image holding prediction information based on a threshold. Returns one binarized image per class and an overall mask with prediction scores above the threshold.


  • image_index (ndarray) –

    np.ndarray numpy array with the shape (image.height, image.width) filled with the predicted class index of each pixel

  • image_scores (ndarray) –

    np.ndarray numpy array with the shape (image.height, image.width) filled with a prediction score (0.0-1.0) of each pixel

  • threshold (float) –

    float threshold to create a mask with a prediction score > threshold


  • binary_multichannel_images ( Dict[str, ndarray] ) –

    Dict[str, np.array] Dictionary of binarized images per class

  • scores_mask ( ndarray ) –

    np.ndarray mask including information where the prediction is above threshold

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def binarize_multichannel_image(
    image_index: np.ndarray, image_scores: np.ndarray, threshold: float
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
    Binarize (0,1) a multichannel image holding prediction information based on a threshold.
    Returns one binarized image per class and an overall mask with prediction scores above
    the threshold.

        image_index: np.ndarray
            numpy array with the shape (image.height, image.width) filled
            with the predicted class index of each pixel
        image_scores: np.ndarray
            numpy array with the shape (image.height, image.width) filled
            with a prediction score (0.0-1.0) of each pixel
        threshold: float
            threshold to create a mask with a prediction score > threshold

        binary_multichannel_images: Dict[str, np.array]
            Dictionary of binarized images per class
        scores_mask: np.ndarray
            mask including information where the prediction is above threshold
    binary_multichannel_images: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}
    scores_mask = cv2.threshold(

    masked_index = image_index * scores_mask

    class_idx_list = np.unique(masked_index)

    for class_idx in class_idx_list:
        if class_idx > 0:
            cur_idx_img = np.copy(masked_index)
            cur_idx_img[masked_index != class_idx] = 0
            curr_binary_mask = ((cur_idx_img / class_idx) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
            binary_multichannel_images[str(class_idx)] = curr_binary_mask
    return binary_multichannel_images, scores_mask


calc_diff_mask(orig_img, obfuscated_img, min_dist)

Calculates the difference of an orig_img and an obfuscated_img

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def calc_diff_mask(  # QUEST: still used?
    orig_img: np.ndarray, obfuscated_img: np.ndarray, min_dist: float
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Calculates the difference of an `orig_img` and an `obfuscated_img`"""
    diff_array = orig_img - obfuscated_img
    distances = np.linalg.norm(diff_array, axis=-1)
    mask = (distances > min_dist).astype(float)
    return mask


calc_heatmap(prediction, input_img)

Creates a heatmap based on a predicted image and an input image

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def calc_heatmap(
    prediction: np.ndarray, input_img: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:  # QUEST: still used?
    """Creates a heatmap based on a predicted image and an input image"""
    diff_array = input_img - prediction
    distances = np.linalg.norm(diff_array, axis=-1).astype(np.uint8)
    return cv2.applyColorMap(distances, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)


    binary_image, min_area, max_area

Find the Contours in a binary Image


  • binary_image (ndarray) –

    image to search for contours on

  • min_area (int) –

    minimum area of relevant contours

  • max_area (int) –

    maximum area of relevant contours


  • List

    Found contours within the relevant area range

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def find_contours_in_binary_image(
    binary_image: np.ndarray, min_area: int, max_area: int
) -> List:
    """Find the Contours in a binary Image

        binary_image: image to search for contours on
        min_area: minimum area of relevant contours
        max_area: maximum area of relevant contours

        Found contours within the relevant area range
    contours = findContours(binary_image, RETR_EXTERNAL, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[0]
    return [
        contour for contour in contours if min_area <= contourArea(contour) <= max_area


get_font(font_name, font_size=50)

Returns a randomly selected FreeTypeFont from ten predefined font names

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def get_font(font_name: str, font_size: int = 50) -> FreeTypeFont:
    """Returns a randomly selected `FreeTypeFont` from ten predefined font names"""
    font_path = f"{Path(__file__).parent.resolve()}/assets/fonts/{font_name}"
    return ImageFont.truetype(font=font_path, size=font_size)


    image_list, horizontal_count, vertical_count, tile_size

Arranges a list of PIL Images in a grid view with a given tile_size.

image_list: List of images to be arranged horizontal_count: Number of images that will be placed horizontally in the stiched image vertical_count: Number of images that will be placed vertically in the stiched image tile_size: Size of each image tile (width, height)


  • Image

    All images stitched together in a grid view as one image

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def stich_images(  # QUEST: still used?
    image_list: List[Image.Image],
    horizontal_count: int,
    vertical_count: int,
    tile_size: Tuple[int, int],
) -> Image.Image:
    Arranges a list of PIL Images in a grid view with a given tile_size.

    image_list: List of images to be arranged
    horizontal_count: Number of images that will be placed horizontally in the stiched image
    vertical_count: Number of images that will be placed vertically in the stiched image
    tile_size: Size of each image tile (width, height)

        All images stitched together in a grid view as one image
    total_width = horizontal_count * tile_size[0]
    total_height = vertical_count * tile_size[1]
    new_image ="RGB", (total_width, total_height))
    cur_idx = 0
    for vertical_position in range(vertical_count):
        for horizontal_position in range(horizontal_count):
            if cur_idx >= len(image_list):
            cur_img = image_list[cur_idx]
                    horizontal_position * tile_size[0],
                    vertical_position * tile_size[1],
            cur_idx += 1

    return new_image