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Module for generating id's



base_10_to_n(number, base_chars)

Convert 'number' to given base with character list Args: number: Specify the number to be converted base_chars: characters to convert to Returns: The base-n representation of a given number

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def base_10_to_n(number: int, base_chars: list) -> str:
    Convert 'number' to given base with character list
        number: Specify the number to be converted
        base_chars: characters to convert to
        The base-n representation of a given number
    base = len(base_chars)
    if base <= 1:
        raise ValueError("len(base_chars) must be more than 2")
    converted_string = ""
    if number == 0:
        converted_string += base_chars[0]
    current_number = number
    while current_number > 0:
        current_number, mod = divmod(current_number, base)
        converted_string = base_chars[mod] + converted_string
    return converted_string


generate_short_id(run_id, id_len=4)

Generates an alphanumeric hashed version of an experiments run_id

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def generate_short_id(run_id: str, id_len=4) -> str:
    """Generates an alphanumeric hashed version of an experiments run_id"""
    hash_value = hashlib.md5(str([run_id]).encode()).hexdigest()
    hash_value = int(hash_value, base=16)
    poss_values = len(ALPHANUMERICLIST) ** id_len
    hash_value %= poss_values
    str_value = base_10_to_n(hash_value, ALPHANUMERICLIST)
    str_value = str_value.rjust(id_len, ALPHANUMERICLIST[0])
    return str_value


id_from_id_list(id_list, id_len=4)

Returns a single id from a list of id's

Source code in niceml/utilities/
def id_from_id_list(id_list: list, id_len=4):
    """Returns a single id from a list of id's"""
    hash_value = hashlib.md5(str(id_list).encode()).hexdigest()
    hash_value = int(hash_value, base=16)
    poss_values = len(ALPHANUMERICLIST) ** id_len
    hash_value %= poss_values
    str_value = base_10_to_n(hash_value, ALPHANUMERICLIST)
    str_value = str_value.rjust(id_len, ALPHANUMERICLIST[0])
    return str_value