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Module for BoundingBox and corresponding methods



Class to represent a bounding box and its methods


Checks if two BoundingBoxes are the (nearly) same

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def __eq__(self, other: "BoundingBox"):
    """Checks if two BoundingBoxes are the (nearly) same"""
    if isinstance(other, BoundingBox):
        return (
            isclose(self.x_pos, other.x_pos)
            and isclose(self.y_pos, other.y_pos)
            and isclose(self.width, other.width)
            and isclose(self.height, other.height)

    return False

Returns BoundingBox parameters as string

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Returns BoundingBox parameters as string"""
    return (
        f"BBox(x:{self.x_pos:0.2f} y:{self.y_pos:0.2f} "
        f"w:{self.width:0.2f} h:{self.height:0.2f})"

Calculates the iou between the two bounding boxes

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def calc_iou(self, other: "BoundingBox") -> float:
    """Calculates the iou between the two bounding boxes"""
    if not isinstance(other, BoundingBox):
        raise TypeError(f"other is not type BoundingBox but {type(other)}")

        inter_area: float = self.get_intersection(other).get_absolute_area()
        # Calculates the Union area by using Formula: Union(A,B) = A + B - Inter(A,B)
        union_area = (
            self.get_absolute_area() + other.get_absolute_area() - inter_area
        return inter_area / union_area
    except AttributeError:
        return 0
decode(predicted_values, box_variance)

Decodes the predicted net values to a bounding box

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def decode(
    predicted_values: List[float],
    box_variance: List[float],
) -> "BoundingBox":
    """Decodes the predicted net values to a bounding box"""
    x_pos = (predicted_values[0] * box_variance[0] * self.width) + self.x_pos
    y_pos = (predicted_values[1] * box_variance[1] * self.height) + self.y_pos
    width = exp(predicted_values[2] * box_variance[2]) * self.width
    height = exp(predicted_values[3] * box_variance[3]) * self.height

    return BoundingBox(x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos, width=width, height=height)

Checks whether two bounding boxes do intersect

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def do_intersect(self, other: "BoundingBox") -> bool:
    """Checks whether two bounding boxes do intersect"""
    b1_left, b1_top, b1_right, b1_bottom = self.get_absolute_ullr()
    b2_left, b2_top, b2_right, b2_bottom = other.get_absolute_ullr()
    return not (
        b2_left > b1_right
        or b2_right < b1_left
        or b2_top > b1_bottom
        or b2_bottom < b1_top
encode(gt_bbox, box_variance)

Encodes the anchor(self) with a ground truth box to net targets

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def encode(
    gt_bbox: "BoundingBox",
    box_variance: List[float],
) -> List[float]:
    """Encodes the anchor(self) with a ground truth box to net targets"""
    # QUEST: better docstring?
    if not isinstance(gt_bbox, BoundingBox):
        raise TypeError(f"other is not type BoundingBox but {type(gt_bbox)}")

    x_pos = (gt_bbox.x_pos - self.x_pos) / self.width
    y_pos = (gt_bbox.y_pos - self.y_pos) / self.height
    width = log(gt_bbox.width / self.width)
    height = log(gt_bbox.height / self.height)
    x_pos /= box_variance[0]
    y_pos /= box_variance[1]
    width /= box_variance[2]
    height /= box_variance[3]

    return [x_pos, y_pos, width, height]

Returns bounding box area (= width * height)

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_absolute_area(self) -> float:
    """Returns bounding box area (= width * height)"""
    return self.width * self.height

Returns a tuple of upper-left and lower-right coordinates (x_upper_left, y_upper_left, x_lower_right, y_lower_right) as float or int values

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_absolute_ullr(
    self, convert_to_int: bool = False
) -> Union[Tuple[float, float, float, float], Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
    """Returns a tuple of upper-left and lower-right coordinates (x_upper_left,
    y_upper_left, x_lower_right, y_lower_right) as float or int values"""
    if convert_to_int:
        return (
            int(self.x_pos + self.width),
            int(self.y_pos + self.height),

    return (
        self.x_pos + self.width,
        self.y_pos + self.height,

Returns a tuple in pixel coords: (x, y, w, h) as float or int values

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_absolute_xywh(
    self, convert_to_int: bool = False
) -> Union[Tuple[float, float, float, float], Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
    """Returns a tuple in pixel coords: (x, y, w, h) as float or int values"""
    if convert_to_int:
        return int(self.x_pos), int(self.y_pos), int(self.width), int(self.height)
    return self.x_pos, self.y_pos, self.width, self.height

Calculates the intersection bounding box

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_intersection(self, other: "BoundingBox") -> Optional["BoundingBox"]:
    """Calculates the intersection bounding box"""
    if not self.do_intersect(other):
        return None
    b1_left, b1_top, b1_right, b1_bottom = self.get_absolute_ullr()
    b2_left, b2_top, b2_right, b2_bottom = other.get_absolute_ullr()

    intersect_left = max(b1_left, b2_left)
    intersect_top = max(b1_top, b2_top)
    intersect_bottom = min(b1_bottom, b2_bottom)
    intersect_right = min(b1_right, b2_right)

    return bounding_box_from_ullr(
        intersect_left, intersect_top, intersect_right, intersect_bottom

Returns the absolute bounding box area in pixels

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_relative_area(self, image_size: ImageSize) -> float:
    """Returns the absolute bounding box area in pixels"""
    return self.get_absolute_area() / (image_size.width * image_size.height)

Returns a tuple with relative upper-left and lower-right coordinates (x_ul,y_ul,x_lr,y_lr)

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_relative_ullr(
    self, img_size: ImageSize
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
    """Returns a tuple with relative upper-left and lower-right coordinates
    return get_scaled_values(self.get_absolute_ullr(), img_size)

Returns a tuple with relative coordinates (x,y,width,height)

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_relative_xywh(
    self, img_size: ImageSize
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
    """Returns a tuple with relative coordinates (x,y,width,height)"""
    return get_scaled_values(self.get_absolute_xywh(), img_size)

Scales a bounding box (x_pos, y_pos, width, height) by a given scale factor.

scale: Args: scale: Factor to scale the bounding box by


Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def scale(self, scale: float) -> "BoundingBox":
    Scales a bounding box (x_pos, y_pos, width, height) by a given scale factor.

        scale: Factor to scale the bounding box by

        Scaled BoundingBox
    x_pos = round(self.x_pos * scale)
    y_pos = round(self.y_pos * scale)
    width = round(self.width * scale)
    height = round(self.height * scale)

    return BoundingBox(x_pos, y_pos, width, height)
shift(axis, shift_by, direction)

Shifts a bounding box on a given axis by shift_by


  • axis (int) –

    Axis on which to be shifted (0: X-Axis, 1: Y-Axis).

  • shift_by (int) –

    Shift value in pixels

  • direction (int) –

    Direction to be shifted (0: left if axis is 0, up if axis is 1; 1: right if axis is 0, down if axis is 1)

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def shift(self, axis: int, shift_by: int, direction: int):
    Shifts a bounding box on a given axis by `shift_by`

        axis: Axis on which to be shifted (0: X-Axis, 1: Y-Axis).
        shift_by: Shift value in pixels
        direction: Direction to be shifted (0: left if axis is 0,
            up if axis is 1; 1: right if axis is 0, down if axis is 1)

    if axis == 0:
        if direction == 0:
            self.x_pos -= shift_by
            self.x_pos += shift_by
    elif direction == 0:
        self.y_pos -= shift_by
        self.y_pos += shift_by



bounding_box_from_ullr(left, top, right, bottom)

Returns a bounding box from given ullr coordinates

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def bounding_box_from_ullr(
    left: float, top: float, right: float, bottom: float
) -> BoundingBox:
    """Returns a bounding box from given ullr coordinates"""
    return BoundingBox(left, top, right - left, bottom - top)



Returns a list with the names of the attributes of the bounding box class


  • List[str]

    List of strings with the names of the BoundingBox attributes

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_bounding_box_attributes() -> List[str]:
    Returns a list with the names of the attributes of the bounding box class

        List of strings with the names of the BoundingBox attributes
    # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
    return [ for field in fields(BoundingBox)]


get_scaled_values(values, image_size)

Scales the values with the image size from pixel to relative

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_scaled_values(
    values: tuple, image_size: ImageSize
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
    """Scales the values with the image size from pixel to relative"""
    img_size_list = [image_size.width, image_size.height]

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    return tuple(
        value / img_size_list[idx % 2]
        for value, idx in zip(



Finds the surrounding bounding box from the given bounding box arrays which are in ullr format. The surrounding bounding box is defined as the smallest possible rectangle that contains all the inputted boxes.


  • bbox_arrays (ndarray, default: () ) –

    Variable number of bounding box arrays

Returns: BoundingBox that surrounds all of the given bounding boxes

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def get_surrounding_bounding_box(*bbox_arrays: np.ndarray) -> BoundingBox:
    Finds the surrounding bounding box from the given bounding box arrays which are in ullr format.
    The surrounding bounding box is defined as the smallest possible rectangle that contains all
    the inputted boxes.

        bbox_arrays: Variable number of bounding box arrays
        BoundingBox that surrounds all of the given bounding boxes
    coordinates = []
    for bbox_ar in bbox_arrays:
        x_min = np.min(bbox_ar[:, 0])
        y_min = np.min(bbox_ar[:, 1])
        x_max = np.max(bbox_ar[:, 2])
        y_max = np.max(bbox_ar[:, 3])

        coordinates.append([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max])

    coordinates_array = np.array(coordinates)

    x_min = np.min(coordinates_array[:, 0])
    y_min = np.min(coordinates_array[:, 1])
    x_max = np.max(coordinates_array[:, 2])
    y_max = np.max(coordinates_array[:, 3])

    return bounding_box_from_ullr(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)


split_bounding_boxes(bounding_box, x_boxes, y_boxes)

Splits the bounding_box in smaller boxes covering the same area


  • bounding_box (BoundingBox) –

    BoundingBox to be split

  • x_boxes (int) –

    Number of boxes to split the bounding box into along the x-axis

  • y_boxes (int) –

    Number of boxes to split the bounding box into along the y-axis

Returns: A list of bounding boxes

Source code in niceml/utilities/boundingboxes/
def split_bounding_boxes(
    bounding_box: BoundingBox, x_boxes: int, y_boxes: int
) -> List[BoundingBox]:
    Splits the bounding_box in smaller boxes covering the same area

        bounding_box: BoundingBox to be split
        x_boxes: Number of boxes to split the bounding box into along the x-axis
        y_boxes: Number of boxes to split the bounding box into along the y-axis
        A list of bounding boxes
    assert x_boxes >= 1 and y_boxes >= 1
    new_width: float = bounding_box.width / x_boxes
    new_height: float = bounding_box.height / y_boxes
    bbox_list: List[BoundingBox] = []
    for x_idx in range(x_boxes):
        for y_idx in range(y_boxes):
            bbox = BoundingBox(
                bounding_box.x_pos + x_idx * new_width,
                bounding_box.y_pos + y_idx * new_height,
    return bbox_list